Friday 7 February 2014

Viviparous vs Oviparous

One way for classificating animals can be the way they are born. In that way, we can classify animals into two groups:

  • Viviparous: They are born from their mother's womb
  • Oviparous: They are born from eggs.The female animals lay the eggs. Some animals, like birds, then keep their eggs warm; others, like sardines and flies do not keep their eggs warm.

Viviparous animals depends on their mothers when they are a babies. They need to drink their mother's milk.

However, some oviparous animals are independent when they are born. For examples snakes leave their eggs and baby snakes have to move around and find some food. 
Other oviparous animals, like birds, cannot lookafter themselves. The adult animals stays with their babies. They feed and protect them.

Most part of information and images are taken from the book: Essential Science 4. Science, Geography and History (2006). Santillana Education, S.L / Richmond Publishing 

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